In the Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague

Our community has been living in Prague-
Zbraslav, since November 1993. We have been collaborating our service with the
Order of Discalced Carmelites at Our Lady of Victory Church (Church of the
Infant Jesus of Prague) from 1993, through
our active participation in the smooth functioning of the place of pilgrimage. Our work at the Shrine of the Infant Jesus of
Prague is very adventurous. We are dedicated to the pilgrims from all around
the World. We crater, to the booking of Holy Masses, Para-Liturgical services and
actively see to the preparation and arrangement of the liturgical services. We are
delighted to look into the ascetic beauty with our arrangements and decorations
in the Church. And finally overjoyed to take care of the merciful statue of
Infant Jesus of Prague and his wardrobe.
You can see and be a witness to the news and actual events and the atmosphere in the Church of Infant Jesus of Prague at:

Programs for the schools
Since March 2022 we have been implementing an experiential educational project called "Aula Regia" ("Royal Hall") for the elementary school pupils. In a creative way the project introduces to children Aula Regia (the church of St. Jacob St. in Prague Zbraslav) as a place substantially connected with the most important royal family in Bohemia. Originally the medieval church of St. Jacob the Elder stands on the grounds of a former Cistercian monastery. The church contains the remains of King Wenceslas II, Queen Elisabeth Premyslid (Mother of King Charles IV.) and other members of the royal family, as well as a famous panel painting of the Madonna of Zbraslav. In an effort to encourage in children ethical values and traditions, which are deeply rooted and universally accepted in European culture, our project's programs also present the message of the main Christian feasts.

In our convent at Zbraslav

We are doing our best to create an ambience of prayer for our parish in Zbraslav. By providing facilities and devoting our time, resources for the education and well-being of the local children to a life of faith.
We, are also actively involved in Ecumenical Dialogue with the community of a Christian Churches in Zbraslav. You can see the invitation to the Bible Lessons we participate in below.

The style of our life
community helps us to create a family atmosphere. And our sincere efforts of
each person is to build a sisterly relationships. The daily order enables the
community to meet together in prayer, at the table and during recreation which
is not without the entertainment and humour. These
three moments are an important part of our life in which we learn to live
relationships and to perceptions of our community as a supernatural reality.
In such a way, that our attention is focused rather to discover the wealth of "who we are" before that "what we do".
The main trust of our community is to support, especially the priests and missionaries in their work with our prayers.