Educational programs for schools
In March 2022 we started to implement an experiential educational project called "Aula Regia" ("Royal Hall") for the elementary school pupils. In a creative way the project introduces to children Aula Regia (the church of St. Jacob St. in Prague Zbraslav) as a place substantially connected with the most important royal family in Bohemia. Originally the medieval church of St. Jacob the Elder stands on the grounds
of a former Cistercian monastery. The church contains the remains of King Wenceslas II, Queen Elisabeth Premyslid (Mother of King Charles IV.) and other members of the royal family, as well as a famous panel painting of the Madonna of Zbraslav. In an effort to encourage in children ethical values and traditions, which are deeply rooted and universally accepted in European culture, our project's programs also present the message of the main Christian feasts. They expand pupils' knowledge about the regional elements of the place where they live and, with full respect for their faith, they clarify the Christian roots of the European culture in which children grow up and are confronted with them. The combination of this place with elements of experiential pedagogy makes this project attractive and beneficial not only for pupils but also for teachers.
More detailed information about the project and types of programs can be found on the Czech website
As Pope Francis stated in the Motu Proprio "On the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons", "the protection of minors and vulnerable persons is an integral part of the Gospel message that the Church and all its members are called to proclaim." We attach below our basic Policy & Procedures.
A more detailed policy you can see on our Czech website

There is no fee for the programs
The project is being implemented with the financial support of the EU/NPO/MK
and Municipal District of Prague-Zbraslav